The Coastal Carolina Camera Club is a member of PSA and as such participates in the PSA Interclub Competitions, We participate in 3 Divisions Projected Image Division (PID) Color, PID Moochrome and Nature. These are competitions in which we participate as a club. We are allowed to submit up to 6 images from our membership. When the images are submitted, they are rated on a 5 point system by judges within the club who have volunteered to serve. This judging is used to select the 6 images to be sent to PSA. Of all the images sent to PSA from the different clubs 10% of the images receive awards and 10% receive honorable mention.
When we receive the results of each competition the 6 images have been assigned points based on the judging performed by the PSA Host Club. Starting in 2018 we have started tracking these points and recognizing the member who received the most point for the competition year.
Guides for these competitions can be found at the following links
Nature Division Guide.pdf
PID Monochrome and Color Guide.pdf